GOVERNMENT JOB , JTO 2010 rules and procedure as per 2008

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  • Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. [BSNL]  recruited about 3591 [subject to variation depending on the availability of vacancies] Graduate Engineer Junior Telecom. Officers (JTOs) through a competitive examination to be held on 15.06.2008 on All India basis from amongst qualified graduate engineers. The details of reservation position is as under:-
    JTO 2007

    SC- 546
    ST- 272
    OBC- 968
    OC- 1805
    TOTAL- 3591

    The post of J.T.O. is in the IDA pay-scale of Rs. 9850-250-14600.

    Eligibility :

    a) Nationality : Only Indian Nationals would be eligible to apply.
    b) Educational Qualifications: Applicant must possess as on 23.03.2008 Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university:
    i. Telecommunication,
    ii. Electronics,
    iii. Radio,
    iv. Computer,
    v. Electrical.

    Selection for a Particular Circle & Service liability :

    The BSNL comprises a number of territorial Circles and functional Circles. The recruitment will be made centrally by BSNL and JTOs so recruited will be allotted territorial/functional Circles depending on vacancies, their choice and merit. A list of the existing territorial Circles, their respective headquarters etc.,

    The Junior Telecom Officer is a Circle-based Cadre and the candidates would be selected against the vacancies in a particular Circle and required to serve minimum of 5 years in that particular Circle only or until they are promoted to All India Cadre, whichever is earlier. However, the officers are liable to be transferred anywhere in India in the interest of service. Applicants shall have the option to be considered for a particular Circle [out of Annexure ‘A’ Circles] of his/her choice in order of preference given by him/her in the application for examination. Option once exercised shall be final. Change of Circle afterwards would not be allowed. The applicants should exercise their option very carefully and indicate their choice of Circles in order of their preference. Applicants may opt for 5 [Five] Circles in order of their preference from amongst the Circles at Annexure-‘A’. If applicants have opted for 5 Circles in order of their preference then applicants shall give “Any where in India” as their sixth choice but if the number of Circles opted in order of their preference is less than 5 then one of option shall be “Any where in India”. In case it is not possible to accommodate them in any of the Circles of their choice, they shall be posted to any of the Circles where vacancies are available.

    A successful applicant will, however, get appointment in the Circle of choice strictly depending upon his/her position in the merit-list drawn on the basis of his/her performance in the All India competitive examination and the number of vacancies available in the Circles. In case an applicant does not indicate his/her preference of Circle, he/she will be allotted the Circle wherever the vacancies remain unfilled irrespective of his/her position in the merit-list solely as per requirements of BSNL.

    The above notwithstanding, BSNL has, however, the right to post any selected J.T.O. to any of the Circles either temporarily or on permanent basis. The decision of BSNL in this regard shall be final and binding. The service conditions, seniority etc. of selected candidates will be determined as per prevailing rules of the Corporation from time to time.

    c) Age: The applicant should not be more than 30 years of age on the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates. However, this age is relaxable as per standing instructions on this subject for:-

    i) Govt. servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Govt.;

    ii) BSNL employees upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or
    orders issued by the BSNL;

    iii) For Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes upto 5 years;

    iv) For OBC Candidates upto 3 years;

    v) For PH candidates upto 10 years ; (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC)

    vi) For certain other categories like ex-servicemen, displaced persons from East Pakistan[now Bangladesh], repatriates from Burma and Ceylon [now Srilanka],residents of Goa, Daman & Diu, persons migrated from Kenya, Uganda, Republic of Tanzania as per instructions issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

    (vii) For Residents of J&K – Relaxation shall be in accordance with DoP&T O.M. No.15012/7/1991-Estt.(D) dtd. 6.12.2005 pertaining to “Residents of State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services & Posts) Rules 1997”.

    Further in respect of apprentices who have undergone apprentice training in BSNL successfully, there will be following provision:

    (a) An apprentice will be required to compete in the common competitive examination conducted by BSNL along with other direct candidates and preference to the apprentices over non-apprentices direct candidates will be given only if apprentices secures equal place in merit in select zone and all other eligibility conditions being equal.

    (b) The apprentices would not be required to get her/his name sponsored by any employment exchange.

    (c) The apprentices would be entitled to age relaxation to the extent of the period for which the apprentice had undergone training as apprentice in the BSNL.

    Mode of selection and nature of Question Paper :

    The mode of selection is through an All India Competitive Examination. The examination will be of three hours duration. The Question Paper will be fully objective type with multiple options as answers to each question. The standard of paper in Engineering subjects will be that of Engineering Examination of an Indian University. The objective type examination shall be of 3 hours duration with one question paper containing 3 sections of Engineering Stream Section-I, Engineering Stream Section-II and General Ability Test Section-III. The Engineering Stream Section-I and Section-II would include 50 questions each and General Ability test Section-III would include 20 questions. However, there would be no separate time fixed for attempting the separate sections.

    Minimum qualifying standards :

    BSNL shall fix minimum qualifying marks for OC/OBC/SC/ST/PH candidates for each section as well as in the aggregate. Candidates obtaining less than minimum-qualifying marks in any of the sections or in aggregate shall not be considered for inclusion in the merit-list.

    The merit-list will be drawn up depending on the vacancies and the choices indicated by the candidates. The appearance of the name in the merit-list does not confer any right to the candidate for employment. A final call letter/appointment letter will be issued to the candidate after completion of all other formalities.

    Fee for examination and application form :

    The specimen of the application form is included in this advertisement. Neatly typed [only on one side of paper] copy in A4 size [30 cms. X 20 cms.] may be used for making application. The completed application form should be sent by Registered post to the CGM concerned. The envelope containing application form should be marked “Application for graduate engineer J.T.O. examination-2007” in bold letters on top of the envelope.

    Original advertisement or photocopy of the format in the advertisement must not be used for applying and in case a candidate submits such an application the same will not be entertained. The given application format must be separately typed.

    An examination fee of Rs.500/- is payable in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Senior Accounts Officer/Accounts Officer payable at the respective stations as given in Annexure ‘A’. The amount of fee shall not be accepted in any other form. Fees once paid shall NOT be refunded under any circumstances nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.

    No Fee payable by SC/ST/PH :

    Applicants belonging to SC/ST/PH categories only are exempted from the examination fee. In the case of Physically handicapped candidates, this exemption will, however, be available to only those handicapped persons who would otherwise be eligible for appointment to the post on the basis of the standards of medical fitness prescribed for the post (including any concessions specifically extended to the physically handicapped) and who enclose with the application form, a necessary certificate from a Govt. Hospital/Medical Board in support of his claim for being handicapped.

    Travelling Allowance to SC/ST Candidates :

    The applicants belonging to SC/ST categories will be entitled to T.A. as per provisions of Ministry of Finance(Deptt. of Expenditure) O.M. No.19014/3/77-E.IV (B) dtd. 17.02.1978.

    Closing date for receipt of Application Forms :

    Application forms complete in every respect must reach on or before 23.03.2008. Applications received after the closing date or not accompanied by the demand draft [wherever applicable] for the prescribed examination fee or incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected and no communication in respect of the rejected application forms shall be entertained. Fees paid shall also NOT be refunded. BSNL shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
    The applicants would be admitted to the examination on the basis of the information furnished by them in their application form. They are, therefore, advised to ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions before applying. In case it is found at a later stage that the information furnished by an applicant is false or an applicant does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicants would be cancelled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained. Issuance of an admit card for the examination will NOT confer any right for appointment. Appointment will be solely subject to fulfillment of all eligibility conditions.

    Training and Bond :

    All candidates provisionally recruited shall execute Bonds in the format specified by the BSNL indicating their willingness to serve the Circle allotted and Corporation for a period of at least 5 years from the date of their appointment as JTOs. All candidates shall, before their appointment as JTOs have to successfully undergo prescribed training as per the training plan laid down and amended by the Company from time to time.

    List of enclosures :

    a. Three identical passport size photographs out of which one should be pasted (not stapled or pinned) on the application form, duly attested, and the other two attached to the application (not to be pasted or attested)

    b. Two self addressed unstamped envelopes of 27 x 12 cms size

    c. Bank Draft for Rs.500/- (payable at par at the station of submitting the application) - [Not required for SC/ST/PH candidates]

    d. Medical certificate in respect of Physically Handicapped candidates

    e. Certificate of Apprentice training if undertaken in BSNL successfully


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